Weekly Shōnen Jump (週刊少年ジャンプ,Shūkan Shōnen Janpu?), commonly shortened to "Shonen Jump" in North America or "Weekly Jump" in Japan, is the best selling and longest running shonen manga magazine published in Japan. Manga series within these magazines target young male readers and are usually of the battle-action genre.
Many of the best selling manga of all time originate from Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Shōnen Jump spawned the Jump magazine line as well as the Jump Comics imprint label for publishing tankōbon. The magazine has also had several international counterparts, including the current North American Weekly Shonen Jump.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High began on April 28th, 2017 in the first issue of the Jump GIGA magazine for that year. Gege Akutami initially intended the series to be a short series consisting of only four chapters. It concluded in the fourth issue of JUMP GIGA in 2017.
The reception to the series was very positive, more so than Gege expected. As a result, Gege and Shonen Jump agreed to begin their first serialization in 2018. On March 5th of 2018, the fourteenth issue of the main Weekly Shonen Jump revealed Gege's Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen. Jujutsu Kaisen is a direct sequel to the short series, featuring all-new main characters.